Sports Enhancement
I first came to Dr. Fynaardt in the summer. I came to see the doctor because I was having difficulty when I was trying to play soccer and baseball with my friends. My mom always thought that my feet kind of turned in when I ran since I was very young. This was my first visit to a chiropractor and I am very happy with my results. I am now able to run faster and play a mean game of soccer. I am very glad my grandmother told me I should come and see Dr. Fynaardt!
Colic / Digestive Problems
We were born on June 11. When we came home from the hospital, our mommy and daddy noticed that we did not have bowel movements regularly and sometimes we spit-up during of after our feedings. This made our tummies hurt and sometimes we did not sleep very well. Then we came to Dr. Fynaardt and things started to change for the better. Dr. Fynaardt was so kind and gentle. After a few treatment sessions, we started to keep our food down better and our mommy and daddy had to change our diapers more frequently – if you know what we mean. Our tummies felt so much better and sleeping was much more relaxing. We are much more content and happy now and when we are happy so are our mommy and daddy.
Thank you Dr. Fynaardt!
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